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"Here at Integrated Home Construction, we take our business very, very seriously. That’s why when it comes to our insurance needs, we turn to the best: the people of Shepard Insurance Agency."
Van Nuys, CA



"Obviously I have been pleased with Shepard Insurance Agency since when I needed to get insurance for all of my daughter's needs I chose Shepard over the other closer agencies. Service and attentiveness are key considerations in this type of relationship."
Los Angeles


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A new client sent us an email saying how surprised he was to hear from us in the midst of his evacuation during the November fires that swept through Yorba Linda.

Well, we were surprised that he was surprised.

Here’s what he said -

“Our family was part of the mandatory evacuation during the recent Yorba Linda fire. As my wife and I anxiously waited to see how our home would fair, I was absolutely blown away when I received an unsolicited call from Gary at Shepard Insurance. First, Gary wanted to confirm the family was all safe. Second, he let me know that he would be opening a claim with our current homeowners insurance company as soon as we hung up. He wanted to assure us that we would receive all the support we needed both while evacuated and in the event we should return to a damaged or destroyed home. Although our stress level was high, both my wife and I knew at that moment, there was no better service we could ask for and that our decision to use Shepard Insurance for all our insurance needs was one of the best decisions we have made.”

We appreciate the praise, but we just did what we always do when a fire, earthquake or other disaster hits - we contact our clients in the affected area to make sure they’re OK and to help in any way we can.

Many of our policies provide added benefits, such as reimbursement of hotel costs during a mandatory evacuation. But in the chaos of an evacuation, our clients don’t remember that. And that’s why we call – to make sure they get all the help they need.

That same unexpected service is available to you. And it probably costs less than what you’re currently paying. Call us at (888) 284-9489 for a free quote. You might be surprised at what we can offer.

This story does have a happy ending, by the way. Our client’s home survived the fires without any damage.